my darling

Everyday inspirations that make you wonder, think, and smile.

Think of it as the bright side of things, because life is so full of Passion, Lifestyle, and Creativity! Don't you think?

Sunday, August 21, 2011,3:42 PM
Love For Creativity

Not too long ago, I discovered a new hobby that I'm passionate about -- Painting. I have constantly tried to find a concept for my artwork -- a particular style that I can extend across a variety of subjects that coincides with who I am as a person and designer. 

During my trip in Chicago, I was heavily inspired by the old and new architecture, street signs, and typography surrounding the city. There, I finally found it. I found Me. Meanwhile, I thought... how do I take all the inspirations I've acquired to create something that represent me? My creativity was at work to find the answer. I've always loved typography. I get sucked by it everywhere I go. Then I thought for a moment... That's it! From there, I decided to incorporate typography and expressed my work through abstraction, colors, and shapes in a Modern/Vintage approach to represent each subject. Some are conceptually abstract (try to figure out what it communicates) and some are non-representational, however most are purely typographic and aesthetically pleasing.

(11.25" X 14" Oil/Acrylic - Hand-Painted Unique Original on Wood)

(11.25" X 14" Acrylic - Hand-Painted Unique Original on Wood)

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At November 7, 2011 at 2:53 PM , Blogger Tyler Adams said...

These are great Renata! A wonderful idea and these turned out beautiful! You should definitely do a bunch more of these.


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